"It's raining cats and dogs." "I'm feeling under the weather." "I'll take a rain check." All these sentences are English idioms. But what are idioms and why should you learn them?

An idiom is a word, phrase or expression that has a figurative meaning that is understood by native speakers. The meaning is different from the actual meaning of the words.

Idioms are always used by native speakers. Learning English idioms will help you understand and communicate in English better.

Here's a list of popular idioms that use words related to weather.

1. "Raining cats and dogs." This means that it's raining very hard.

Example: I think I'll stay home today. It's raining cats and dogs and I don't want to drive.

2. "Feel under the weather." If you're feeling under the weather, you are feeling sick.

Example: Jane's not coming to work today. She's feeling under the weather.

3. "Take a rain check." If you take a rain check, you're saying no to something now, but offering to do it at a later date.

Example: I'm sorry I can't join you for dinner this evening. Can I take a rain check? I'm free next week.

4. "The calm before the storm." This refers to the quiet or peaceful time before a period of great activity or disturbance.

Example: The management meeting starts in 15 minutes. Let's have some tea and enjoy the calm before the storm.

5. "Rain on one's parade." If someone rains on your parade, they are ruining your plans.

Example: I don't want to rain on your parade, but our boss just asked us to work late today.

6. "Steal someone's thunder." To steal someone's thunder means you're taking attention from them on their special day.

Example: Don't wear white to the wedding. You don't want to steal the bride's thunder.

We hope these idioms were helpful!

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